Single? Who cares!

Why are you single? None of your business

Don’t you feel lonely? NO.
Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one without a stable partner – and it doesn’t help that people constantly ask me why I’m single; but one thing I know for sure, I DON’T CARE!

I’m at that age where everyone around me is starting to get married, have kids or even in some cases get divorced! So why do I feel like I’m not even ready to start that journey yet?

It could be due to the way I was brought up, it could be due to things I have seen and heard over the years, it could even be that I don’t believe in wasting time in a relationship if I truly don’t believe there is a future in it. The fact that the majority of my friends are male also leads me to be distrusting at times – they have shown me time and time again how they think when they are in a relationship (and have claimed to be in love even though cheating constantly on their girlfriends) – so why should I trust someone?

I’m not saying I will never be in a relationship, actually I hope that one day I do find that person that I can trust in, who I can share moments with, who I can learn from and grow old with… I’m just saying, that why rush into something I don’t feel ready for- age is just a number! If it’s meant to be it will happen, there is no point in forcing myself into something that in the future won’t complete me as a person.

For the moment, I would rather invest my time in focusing on myself, my career and enjoying nights out, meeting new people and having fun- and if I happen to cross that special someone along the way, then why not!

I promise to myself from here on, to keep on enjoying single life, to let things happen, to let my guard down at times but to think with my head and not only with my heart, let destiny choose for me.

So to everyone who has asked me over these last few weeks/months…There’s your answer!